Saturday, August 15, 2009

1.06 Bowie

Summary and spoilers

When Bret sees how small he looks in the new band photos, he develops some body image issues – which unfortunately sparks a rumor that he is bulimic. Depressed by his body, his confidence is at a new low.

Jemaine tries to alleviate Bret’s confidence issues by writing a song for him, and by asking Mel to direct her compliments away from him and toward Bret. Unfortunately, when Jemaine hears Mel obsess about Bret, he is thrown into a confidence crisis of his own.

Throughout the episode, Bret is visited in his dreams by David Bowie (played by Jemaine). Bowie gives Bret a couple of suggestions to try to help, but these backfire. Advice to ‘wear an eye patch’ causes depth perception issues. Bret’s interprets ‘do something outrageous’ as a chance to reveal his newly tattooed genitals in front of a prospective new client – a greeting card company that wants to use a Conchords jingle in one of their new cards. Murray’s confidence is shot by his inability to turn the disastrous meeting into something positive, perhaps by acting as if Bret’s flash was a standard New Zealand greeting.

In Bret’s final dream, even Bowie has now lost his confidence in giving advice.

But there is an upside; the greeting card executive decided to publish the Conchord’s card, and they will receive one cent per card. Unfortunately, because the card has an unpopular design, only 50 cards will be published.


The theme of ‘loss of confidence’ is worked well into the plot, making this an above average Conchords episode. Jemaine’s first song, ‘Bret, You Got It Going On’, meant to cheer Bret up, is Pythonesque in the way it of course is really building up Jemaine’s own ego. The boys also have loads of fun imitating Bowie in the second song, ‘Bowie’.

Flight of the Conchords Quotes

Jemaine: Well, we’re always at the band meetings; we’re the band.
Murray: Yeah, but there’s been a couple of times where you haven’t been here, alright, and I’ve put you down as ‘absent’, and I’ve just carried on with the meeting.
Jemaine: What, a band meeting, we haven’t been here?
Murray: Yeah, twice.
Jemaine: When?
Murray: Well, it doesn’t matter when; it didn’t go very well.

"Bret, you look quite small; it looks sort of like trick photography. It’s like Lord of the Rings. Jemaine, you look like an ogre that works in the library. Yeah, I think it’s your fault, Bret; you’re just too small."
- Murray

Jemaine: Are you bulimic or something?
Bret: No. I just feel like…you know, all these novelty musicians are a lot bigger than me.

Jemaine: You know how you tend to prefer me out of me and Bret.
Mel: No.
Jemaine: Yeah, when you see us you, you just flirt a little bit more with me…tiny - Sorry Doug.
Doug: That’s alright.
Jemaine: Happy anniversary, by the way.
Doug: Thanks.

Jemaine: I’d compliment him myself, but I think it might be gay.
Mel: Oh, no – oh, that’s not gay at all.
Jemaine: Isn’t it?
Mel: Oh, no! To tell a friend he looks good? No that’s not gay.
Jemaine: Well, maybe I will.
Mel: I mean, if you two were to make love – that would be gay.
Jemaine: Yeah, that would be – that would be gay.
Mel: [dreamily] Two men – touching each other – physically, and emotionally…erotically caressing each other -
Jemaine: That sounds more -
Mel: - on the hood of a car -
Jemaine: Hey, thanks for your help, anyway.
Mel: - in the back of a movie theater –

"Sure you’re weedy, and kinda shy
But some girly out there must be needy for a weedy shy guy

Why can’t a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy
That he thinks his booty’s fly

No doubt about it, we’d be goin’ crazy
If one of us was lucky enough to be born a lady"
- Jemaine [from ‘Bret, You Got It Going On’]

Mel: You have a refined bone structure, whereas Jemaine’s facial feature are too deep-set to be classically handsome.
Bret: Thank you.
Jemaine: Aw.

Murray: David, when will this meeting actually begin?
David: Well, it’s begun.
Murray: They didn’t do a roll call.

Jemaine: Does the space cold make you nipples go pointy, Bowie?
Bret: Did you use your pointy nipples as telescopic antenna to transmit data back to earth?
- from ‘Bowie’

1.05 Sally Returns

Summary and spoilers

Jemaine is still making a pest of himself by hanging around the apartment with Bret and Coco. When Jemaine finally does go out, he runs into Sally at the local laundromat. Sally seems slightly interested in Jemaine, but only if he moves out from sharing with Bret and gets his own apartment. This Jemaine does immediately, although all he can afford is a tiny windowless converted cleaning cupboard, albeit in a posh doorman building on Park Avenue.

When Bret discovers that Jemaine is dating Sally, he turns the tables by invading their dinner date, almost forgetting that he is there with Coco. Jemaine’s housewarming party unfortunately coincides with Sally’s birthday party. The boys compete for Sally’s affections by making elaborate gifts. Jemaine spends five hours making a pop-up card, and then somehow manages to also create a lovely glass butterfly, which he unfortunately breaks when he accidentally sits on it in the subway. Bret writes a song for Sally, and then inscribes all seven verses on a tiny pebble. When Bret is a no-show at Jemaine’s housewarming party, Jemaine abruptly ends it, and tracks down Bret at Sally’s party. Both guys are heartbroken to discover that Sally is also announcing her engagement to an Australian.

On the way home, Jemaine passes along to Bret a message from Coco that he is being dumped.

Things are not faring so well on the band front either. Murray has found no gigs, and he’s also spent 150 dollars of the band’s money to buy three stars, as a supposed real estate investment. Sadly, by the end of the episode, one of the stars is no more: Planet Jemaine goes supernova.

Flight of the Conchords Quotes

Bret: Yeah, but, I can’t be ticking all night. I’m not even ticklish.
Jemaine: Aren’t you?
Bret: No, I’m faking it.
Jemaine: Really?
Bret: Yeah, she’d be faking it as well I think.
Jemaine: Oh, that’s not fair. I’m really ticklish.

Jemaine: You can’t tame the J-dog. The J-dog’s just -
Sally; What’s the J-dog?
Jemaine: Uh, well, that’s me. I’m the J-dog.
Sally: Where’s that from?
Jemaine: Well, it’s street language. You know, you just take the first letter of your name and you put dog on the end of it and all the other dogs sort of respect you.
Sally: Okay. I thought it was from a kid’s book or something.

"Next thing you know we’re in the bathroom brushing our teeth
That’s all part of it, that’s foreplay
Foreplay is very important – in love-making
Then you go sort out the recycling
Which isn’t part of the foreplay
But it’s still very important"
 - Jemaine, from Business Time

"Next thing you know I’m wearing absolutely nothing
Except for my socks
And you know when I’m down to just my socks
What time it is
It’s Business Time
It’s Business
It’s Business Time
You know when I’m down to my socks
It’s time for business
That’s why they call ‘em Business Socks"
- Jemaine, from Business Time

Bret: Was it something from a while ago?
Jemaine: No, it’s just -
Bret: When we were at school, and you said you got a hickey from Judy Bailey. I told everyone it was a vacuum cleaner.
Jemaine: No.
Bret: Is that it?
Jemaine: No, it’s not that.
Bret: But you did.
Jemaine: No I didn’t.
Bret: Yes you did.
Jemaine: No I didn’t.
Bret: Well, it was a perfectly round hickey.
Jemaine: Well, she had a perfectly round mouth, anyway –

Murray: Anyway, I thought you said Sally was shallow.
Bret: Oh, she’s not shallow.
Jemaine: She is shallow. But she’s really hot.

Murray: There’s something I want to talk to you about actually, Jemaine. It’s…not good news. Planet Jemaine supernovaed. Yeah, there’s nothing left of it apparently – just a huge gaseous cloud and the beginnings of a black hole.
Jemaine: When did this happen?
Murray: About four million years ago.

Jemaine: I made this for your birthday. [shows broken glass butterfly]
Sally: Aw.
Jemaine: It’s a butterfly. I – I sat on it in the subway.
Sally: Oh, you…shouldn’t have.

"He is so strong. Pick up Bret. Just. just lift him up, he’s little, he’s like a pixie."
- Sally (to fiancé Mark)

Jemaine: Only thing stopping you from being with me is that you don’t want to be with me
Bret: It’s the same with me except with me
- from Song for Sally

"I was wondering if you’d think about moving back in together, ‘cause I’m having trouble paying rent. I spent all my money on art supplies."
- Bret (to Jemaine)

Bret: Well, I mean – I mean, what else can I do, I mean – I’m – I’m sorry.
Jemaine: It’s too late. It’s over. You bastard.
Bret: What, did she call me a bastard?
Jemaine: Uh, no, sorry, I added that bit. Got carried away.
Bret: I might just give her a call about it and see what she says.
Jemaine: [slaps Bret]
Bret: What was that?
Jemaine: Oh, she told me to do that. I was supposed to start with that, actually. I’m sorry, I forgot.